
Accredited Liberal Arts Courses



ACC 151, 152 – Accounting I, II
A two-semester introduction to accounting. Economic events are examined from both an external financial reporting perspective and an internal management decision-making perspective. The role of accounting systems in organizations is emphasized.
Prerequisite: BUS 110

ACC 256 – Managerial Accounting
Industrial accounting fundamentals with a managerial emphasis; process; job order; standard costs and direct costing; cost reports and control; budgets; cost analysis; profit planning; and the uses of cost accounting by management.


Biblical Languages

GRK 101, 102 – Elementary Hellenistic Greek I, II
The purpose of this course is to enable students to begin reading and translating New Testament Greek on their own. Emphasis is placed on understanding the basic grammar, developing a working vocabulary, and basic translation methods.

GRK 201 – Intermediate Greek
The student will be able to read, translate into English, and identify the different parts of speech, the grammar and syntax of koine New Testament Greek.
Prerequisite: GRK 102

HEB 101, 102 – Elementary Hebrew I, II
An introduction to Biblical Hebrew grammar, with reading in simple Biblical prose texts.

HEB 201 – Intermediate Hebrew
Continuation of Hebrew grammar and syntax with emphasis upon reading selected Biblical passages on an intermediate level.
Prerequisite: HEB 102 or permission of the instructor.


Biblical Studies

BIB 112 – Biblical Introduction I
Creation to the Post-Exilic Period – Introduction to the history of salvation as expressed in the Old Testament. This includes historical and theological study focusing on Israel as the covenant people of God, with special attention on the relationship of the Old Testament to Jesus Christ.

BIB 113 – Biblical Introduction II
Inter-testament Period through Apostolic Age – The political, social, and religious background and setting of the New Testament; the Gospels as witness to Jesus Christ; and the development of Christianity in the first century.
Prerequisite: BIB 112

BIB 200 – How to Read the Bible
This course provides an overview of the principles of interpretation from a redemptive historical perspective.

BIB 223 – Cultural Apologetics
This course is designed to teach the basics of apologetics, to apply those basics to modern culture, and to provide students with the expertise and confidence to interact positively as they defend the faith.

BIB 300 – Foundations of Christian Thought
Scriptural concepts under-girding Christian academic work and a Biblically directed view of prophetic literature.

Prerequisite: BIB 112, 113 or permission of the instructor

BIB 301 – Old Testament Prophecy
Theological and ethical content, with attention to the original life-settings and contemporary relevance of the prophetic literature.
Prerequisite: BIB 112 or permission of the instructor

BIB 302 – Wisdom Literature
The wisdom tradition in Israel and the ancient Near East, with special emphasis on Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes.
Prerequisite: BIB 112 or permission of the instructor

BIB 303 – Old Testament Studies
Various topics in the Old Testament. This course gives the student an opportunity to study the book of Psalms and a more in-depth examination of the Pentateuch or history books.

BIB 304 – Psalms
An in-depth study of the book of Psalms, including how it relates to the ministry of Jesus, the New Testament and the life of the modern church.
An approved Humanities Option.

BIB 305 – Isaiah
A study of the OT Book of Isaiah, with special attention toward exploring its role in the unfolding of redemptive-history, and how its message and imagery contains key themes that were recognized by the New Testament writers as having been ultimately fulfilled in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ. Meets OT upper level content requirement for all majors.
An approved Humanities Option.

BIB 306 – Daniel
An introduction to Biblical Prophecy and the Book of Daniel. Meets OT upper level content requirement for all majors.

BIB 307 – Judah’s Exile
A study of Judean history and prophecy from the Babylonian captivity to the return exile.
An approved Humanities Option.

BIB 308 – Luke
A study of the gospel of Luke.

BIB 309 – Revelation
A study of the gospel of Revelation.

BIB 310 – Pauline Epistles
An in-depth study of Paul’s epistles not covered in other classes.

BIB 311 – Matthew
A study of the gospel of Matthew.

BIB 312 – Mark
An in-depth study of the gospel of Mark.

BIB 313 – John
An in-depth study of the gospel of John.

BIB 314 – New Testament Studies
Study various New Testament books not covered in other courses, such as Hebrews, Revelation and Acts.
Prerequisites: BIB 112, BIB 113 and BIB 200

BIB 315 – Acts
A study of the book of Acts.

BIB 316 – Romans
An in-depth study of the book of Romans.

BIB 317 – Ephesians and Pastoral Epistles
An in-depth study of Paul’s Pastoral Epistles

BIB 318 – Hebrews
A study of the book of Hebrews.

BIB 320 – Special Topics in Theology
Variable theological topics.

BIB 324 – Introduction to Reformed Tradition
An introduction to the theology of the Reformation, especially as seen in the Westminster Confession of Faith. An approved Humanities Option.

BIB 325 – Biblical Theology
Dominant motifs of biblical literature, emphasizing biblical texts, with some review of theological literature and methods. An approved Humanities Option.

BIB 340 – Intertestamental Studies
Examines the history, literature, and religious developments of the Jewish people between the close of the Old Testament and the time of Jesus.

BIB 350 – Church History
Dominant motifs of biblical literature, emphasizing biblical texts, with some review of theological literature and methods. An approved Humanities Option.

BIB 492 – Christian Ministries Practicum
A ministry opportunity under the oversight of a mentor who will impart practical experience to the student in a real-life ministry setting.



BUS 110 – Business Foundations
A course which exposes students to current business concepts and provides a holistic view of business operation. Includes study of external factors affecting management decision-making. Case analysis and computer simulation are utilized to present business interrelationships.

BUS 115 – Business Communication
Course emphasizes business and professional communication in the marketplace. Topics include business writing, business presentations, professionalism, teambuilding and international business.

BUS 140 – Introduction to Business Computing
An introductory course in the field of computing with a business emphasis. Course includes an introduction to computers, an introduction to programming and the use of business application software such as word processing and spreadsheets. This course does not count toward a business major.

BUS 241 – Quantitative Analysis I
Introduction to basic statistics and spreadsheets. Includes data collection, descriptive statistics, and basic concepts of probability, inferential methods, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regressions.

BUS 310 – Principles of Management
Management/Administrative concepts which are common to all types of organizations. Focuses on the functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, with emphasis on integration of faith, systems, and contingency approaches.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing; recommended to be taken in the sophomore year.

BUS 311 – Business Law
General principles applied to contracts, agency, negotiable instruments, business organizations, personal property, security relations, real property, and trade regulations. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

BUS 320 – Principles of Marketing
Historic development, buying motivation, market structure, product development, distribution policies, pricing, and legislative regulations.
BUS 310, ECO 211; may be taken concurrently

BUS 330 – Principles of Finance
Principles of financial management. Course topics include ration analysis, cash flow forecasting, leverage, working capital management, cost of capital, capital budgeting, and security types.
Prerequisites: ACC 251, BUS 241, BUS 310, ECO 211 or 212



COM 101 – Principles of Communication
Interpersonal, group, and formal public communication. Emphasis on the development of effective oral communication in various settings.

COM 210 – Leadership Communication
The course surveys leadership practices, theories and concepts in the context of various communication processes and media. The student will pay close attention to the communication habits and techniques of his or her case study of an urban example.

COM 220 – Group Communications
Process exercises and games designed to relate insights of behavioral science to practicing managers and students of group and organizational behavior.

COM 310 – Public Speaking
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the tools and strategies needed for planning and executing effective public speaking, particularly in the context of preaching and church administration.



Economics 211 – Micro Economics
This course examines consumption and production at the household, firm, and industry level; explains methods of economic analysis and price formulation; and examines the various market structures and behavior of pure competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition.

Economics 212 – Macro Economics
This course explains the characteristics and operations of the national economy including the measurement of national employment, production and income, the role of money and banking, and international trade. Students also learn methods of economic analysis, the role of government, and economic policy.



ENG 094, 095, 096 – English Proficiency
Development of basic writing skills in preparation for ENG 101. Limited to those recommended by department action. Credit-no credit. NOTE: This course does not earn credit toward graduation.

ENG 101 – English Composition
A course designed to promote effective written communication. The student analyzes and synthesizes ideas and presents them in essay form. Students also practice these skills in response to critical analysis of assigned reading that emphasizes rhetorical strategies, stylistic option, and a variety of voices and purposes. Enrollment in this course is dependent on a satisfactory score on the college placement test, successful completion of the appropriate development courses, or by permission of the instructor. Passing grade to meet college requirement is C- or better.

ENG 102 – Academic Writing and the Research Process
This course is intended to serve those students who seek to improve the knowledge, skills, and strategies to find and critically evaluate information. Students then organize the results of their research and communicate them in writing.
Prerequisite: ENG 101.

ENG 112 – Introduction to Literary Study and Research
Basics of literary critical theory, study of literary genres, written work applying carious critical perspectives to literature. Fall semester.

ENG 113 – Researched Writing
Writing based on various kinds of research and investigation primarily in the field of English studies; an emphasis on individualized project and extensive practice in using library and literary resources. Fulfills core writing requirement for English and Writing majors. On demand or summers. Prerequisite: ENG 112.



HUM 199 – Music Survey I
A survey of musical elements, forms, styles, and composers to enhance the student’s appreciation and understanding of music belonging to the Baroque and Classical periods.

HUM 199 – Music Survey II
A survey of musical elements, forms, styles, and composers to enhance the student’s appreciation and understanding of music belonging to the Romantic period.

HUM 199 – The Bible as Literature
This course seeks to introduce students to the literary genius of the Bible, a book that sets standards for artistry, verbal craftsmanship, aesthetic beauty, and moral truth.

HUM 199 – Great Books of Religious Thought
This class is a survey of works in religious thought. The students will be required to read and critically analyze three texts. The students will participate in class discussions and will write an analytic paper for each book.

HUM 199 – Survey of Christian Worship Music I
Throughout this study, the principles underlying the creation and performance of church music, are explored. This brief outline of the history of Christian music through the 19th century is designed to help students place the ancient hymns in their historical context, and to learn when the now familiar forms, e.g., psaltery hymnody, liturgy, chorale, oratorio, and sacred anthem, came into being.

HUM 199 – The Civil Rights Movement
The Civil Rights Movement changed the course of American history. Enslaved Africans, and their descendants, fought for freedom in the United States. Learn about their struggles and accomplishments.

HMT 411 - Humanities (supplemental core)


Human Services

HSV 230 – The Family System in Context
This class will consider the dynamic family in social context. Different theories and topics such as marriage, parenting, communication, conflict and economics will be discussed. The biblical model of creation, fall and redemption will be the context for the class.

HSV 240 – Introduction to Helping Skills
An exploration of the values, relational skills, strategies and techniques in the helping process. Focus is on developing skills that aid clients in identifying restrictive thoughts, feelings and actions that hinder personal growth, then giving them substantive support to overcome the stumbling blocks to healthy change.

HSV 241 – Child/Elder Abuse and Family Violence
An exploration of the history and dynamics of intimate partner, child, elder abuse and family violence. Students will examine the psychosocial foundations of abuse, as well as the community and legal responses to this behavior.

HSV 242 – Foundations of Addictions
An examination of the biopsychosocial characteristics of addictive behavior. The course will review the history of substance abuse, and the various treatment approaches developed over time. Students will also study the pharmacological consequences of addiction, physical effects of use, and the sociological conditions caused by and resulting from substance abuse.

HSV 243 – Case Management
This course will cover instruction in the processes and procedures that assure appropriate planning and follow-up on work with clients. Emphases will be on intake procedures, treatment planning and case review with individuals, family/kinship groups and key practitioners in agencies/organization who may be working with the case. Students will be exposed to the principles and concepts of appropriate plan development and monitoring that create dynamic movement in the case. Records management and HIPPA regulations will also be covered.

HSV 244 – Crisis Intervention
This course will examine basic education and training in crisis intervention both theory and application. Course will include topics such as approaches to crisis intervention, basic crisis intervention skills, crisis case handling, telephone and online crisis counseling, culturally effective crisis counseling. The course will review specific types of crises and how to handle crises related to trauma and victimization, suicidality, chemical dependence, grief and loss, crises in schools, and crises related to disaster response.



LDR 105 – History of Urban Leadership
Includes an overview of the unique challenges of urban leaders today, including a study of significant urban leaders from around the world. In this class, the student will choose his or her the urban leader who will be the focus for his or her case study for the remainder of the program. These leaders will choose from a list including such leaders as W.E.B. Dubois, A. Phillip Randolph, Martin Luther King, Thurgood Marshall, or Whitney M. Young, Jr.

LDR 120 – Personal Development
This course prepares the student for a lifetime of learning that includes skills such as self-awareness, developing a leadership philosophy, developing and following personal values, and understanding the student’s own personality type and characteristics as reflected in the DISC profile or similar personality assessment tool. The student will pay particular attention to the personal development path or philosophy of his or her chosen case study.

LDR 180 – Leadership Ethics
This course introduces the students to biblical ethics concerning such topics as power, authority, finances and the decision-making process. This includes a study of servant-leadership and its application and role in business and the faith-based world in the 21st century. The student will then focus on his or her case study to show how ethics, or a lack thereof, contributed to the success or failure of his or her chosen hero.

LDR 201 – Development of Nonprofit Organizations
This course outlines how to develop a Nonprofit, faith-based organization, including staffing, volunteer development, fundraising and legal requirements at both the state and federal level. Upon course completion, students will be ready both to incorporate in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and submit an application to the IRS to be recognized as a 501(c)3 corporation.

LDR 210 – Professional Development
This course equips the student for effective and meaningful organizational citizenship and includes working with and leading others in the workplace, that includes such skills as teambuilding, team dynamics, the need for ongoing training, and business and the principles of servant leadership.

LDR 285 – Leadership Project
In this final course, the student will prepare his or her final presentation on his or her chosen case study for the program. Particular attention will be paid to a study of servant leadership in the life and leadership of the chosen case study individual, along with the historical context of that person. Each student will then give a comprehensive class presentation on the chosen case study, and submit a final paper that includes an introduction, ethical, personal development and communications review of the case study, along with a conclusion that will include leadership characteristics this student will develop to emulate said case study individual

LDR 180B - Leadership Ethics
This course introduces the students to biblical ethics concerning such topics as power, authority, finances, and the decision-making process. This includes a study of servant-leadership and its application and role in business and the faith-based world in the 21st century. The student will then focus on his or her case study how ethics or a lack thereof, contributed to the success or failure of his or her chosen hero.



MIN 202 – Holistic Spiritual Formation
This course will develop a firm understanding of spiritual formation as the process of learning to become Christ-like in order to advance the kingdom of God.

MIN 205 – Christian Education in the Local Church
An overview of programs and curricula available for 21st-century church life. This class also includes an overview of Sunday school and children’s programs.
Prerequisite: BIB 113 or instructor’s permission.

MIN 210 – Evangelism
A study of the theology, theory, and practices of evangelism.
Prerequisite: BIB 112 and 113

MIN 213 – Global Missions in the Local Church
This class prepares students for mission work, whether short- or long-term. The classroom work covers mission’s administration, fundraising, and team development. The course also includes an actual mission’s field trip.

MIN 215 – Methods of Teaching the Bible
An overview of effective teaching techniques that maximize the impartation of Biblical truth.
Prerequisite: BIB 112 and 113.

MIN 216 – Practical Preaching
A study of Biblical interpretation and the skills necessary to communicate God’s word in the postmodern world.

MIN 219 – World Christian Movement
Selected types of societies, both past and present, that represent varying levels of cultural development. Includes cross-cultural and Christian approaches to case studies.

MIN 220 – Topics in Christian Ministry
An overview of topics pertinent to Christian workers and lay persons alike.
Prerequisite: BIB 112 and 113 or instructor’s permission

MIN 223 – Church Administration
Biblical principles, as they apply to church management, effective leadership, strategic planning, time management, and conflict resolution, will be presented.

MIN 233 – Pastoral Care and Counseling
This course focuses on the role of pastoral care and counseling in the body of Christ. The student will be exposed to various counseling paradigms and methodologies. The role of prayer and Scripture in the counseling process will be explored.

MIN 240 – Introduction to Student Ministry
Provides an overview of the theology and practical skills needed to build a ministry for modern teenagers. This will also include evangelism strategies for reaching young people.

MIN 204 - Principle of Sustainable Development

MIN 491 - Principles of Ethnic-Racial Reconciliation


Natural Science

BIO 101 – Topics in Biology
This course is an in-depth examination of one biological topic such as human biology, bioterrorism, and nature studies.

CHM 100 – Introductory Applied Chemistry
An introduction to the basic concepts of chemistry with emphasis on utility for daily life.

CHM 160 – Chemistry in Art
Topics include a scientific description of the materials and methods used in making works of art: light and the chemistry of color; pigments and dyes; restoration and conservation; scientific examination of artworks; the identification of fakes; and scientific probes of influence and style. Not applicable toward a major or minor in chemistry.

SCS 105 – Environmental Science
Introduction to physical and biological principles pertaining to environmental issues. Also includes an examination of the impact of human activities on the environment.

SCS 215 – Earth and Space Science
Introduction to physical and biological principles pertaining to environmental issues. Also includes an examination of the impact of human activities on the environment.

BIO 101B - Human Biology Classroom
An in-depth study of the human body.



PHI 110 – The Philosophical Conversation
Designed for the student with little or no background in philosophy, this course surveys the history of Western philosophy, key philosophers, and important philosophical concepts that continue to shape our perception of ourselves, our world and God. Philosophy concerns the fundamental questions of life, study, worship and work-- What is reality? How do I know what I know? And What is right and good?

PHI 112 – Ethics
The nature of ethical principles and the analysis of modern ethical issues such as abortion, capital punishment, and world hunger.


Social Sciences

PSY 201 – Introduction to Psychology
Problems, principles, and methods to serve as part of a liberal arts education and as preparation for more advanced work in psychology, or for professional study. Will cover such topics as development, motivation, emotion, learning, intelligence, personality, and abnormal behavior.

PSY 252 – Adolescent Development
Development and behavior from conception through middle childhood, including genetic influences, developmental processes, and psychological processes related to physical, linguistic, social, intellectual, emotional, and personal development.
Prerequisite: PSY 201.

PSY 313– Abnormal Psychology
Empirically-based principles of psychopathology. Surveys classical “mental illnesses” from various perspectives.

PSY 491 – Principles and Methods of Biblical Counseling
This course will study methods and techniques of Biblical counseling and its therapeutic process. Emphasis is placed on practical applications of counseling skills and development of counselor attitudes and approaches.

SOC 200 – Introduction to Sociology
An introduction to the science of sociology, including a discussion of sociological theory and method, culture and personality, human ecology and population, and social organization and disorganization. Social institutions and processes are analyzed and related to current national and world problems.

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